About Us

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It was 2001 when two downsized airline veterans created Canada’s first online travel industry publication. Back then the question on everyone’s mind was ‘will travel agents ever embrace the internet?’ Nina Slawek and Suzanne Christie bet their savings on agents not only embracing Open Jaw’s ground-breaking platform, but using it as their primary source of news, product information and video training.

Open Jaw aggregates daily news curated specifically for Canadian travel agents. Being Canadian, an irreverent approach is reflected in the industry’s only cartoon strip, featuring the indomitable Tina The Travel Agent. Open Jaw’s signature video newsmagazine shows the “Pink Couch” is renowned throughout the travel industry in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean.


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Open Jaw Network Ltd.
8 Jean St
Toronto, ON M4W 3A7
tel: 416-926-8092
fax: 416-926-9400

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